
Tense chart in english grammer in Hindi - Rule, Example, Exercise formula | उदाहरण के साथ हिंदी में काल

Tense chart in Hindi - Rule Example Exercise formula

Tense chart in Hindi  Rule  Example  Exercise | उदाहरण के साथ हिंदी में काल में tense सिखने के लिए आप ये पोस्ट पूरा पड़े क्यूकि tense english grammer  सिखने के आपको पुरे rule आने चाहिए. Tense को हिंदी भाषा में काल (Time) कहते हैं। Tense से कार्य होने का समय होता है।

  1. Present indefinite tense.
  2. Present Continuous tense.
  3. Present Perfect tense.
  4. Present perfect continuous tense.
  5. Past indefinite tense.
  6. Past continuous tense.
  7. Past Perfect tense.
  8. Past perfect Continuous tense.
  9. Future indefinite tense.
  10. Future Continuous tense.
  11. Future Perfect Tense.
  12. Future Perfect Continuous tense.

बहुत से लोगों को Tense का सही ज्ञान नहीं होता है। हममें से कई लोगों को Tense का सही ज्ञान नहीं होने के कारण उचित वाक्य बनाने में समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है। क्या आपको अंग्रेजी के वाक्य बनाने में शर्म आती है? क्या आपको लगता है कि अगर आप English में बात करेंगे तो लोग हंसेंगे? क्या आपको काल सीखने और व्यावहारिक रूप से लागू करने में समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है? चिंता मत करो! इस लेख में, हम काल के बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे। हम अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में Tense chart भी साझा करेंगे।

अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में काल क्या हैं: काल बोलने के क्षण के संदर्भ में समय के संदर्भ को व्यक्त करता है। अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में, काल के 3 मुख्य रूप होते हैं, वर्तमान काल present tense, भूत काल past tense और भविष्य काल future tense। हम अंग्रेजी व्याकरण English Grammar में तीनों काल और काल के प्रकारों पर चर्चा करेंगे। सबसे पहले अंग्रेजी ग्रामर English Grammar में टेंस चार्ट Tense chart को चेक करें।

tense chart in hindi

Kinds of Tense in Hindi ( काल के भेद )

Tense ( काल) के तीन भेद होते हैं-

Present Tense - 

Present Tense में वर्तमान समय के विषय में बताया जाता (Verb that denote the present time are called present tense) हैं। आदि शब्द आते हैं, जैसे-

Present Indefinite Tense ( सामान्य वर्तमान काल)

Present Continuous Tense (अपूर्ण वर्तमान काल)

Present Perfect Tense (पूर्ण वर्तमान काल)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense (पूर्णा पूर्ण वर्तमान काल)

  • I go. - (मैं जाता है।)
  • I am going. -(मैं जा रहा हूँ)
  • I have gone. - (मैं जा चुका है।)
  • I have been reading for two hours. - (मैं दो घंटे से पढ़ रहा हूँ)

Past Tense - 

Past Tense में बीते हुए समय के विषय में बताया जाता है। (Verbs that denote the past time are called past tense.) इस Tense में क्रिया के अंत में था. थे' शब्द आते हैं, जैसे

Past Indefinite Tense (सामान्य भूतकाल)

Past  Continuous Tense (अपूर्ण भूतकाल)

Past Perfect Tense (पूर्ण भूतकाल)

Past Perfect Continuous Tense (पूर्णा पूर्ण भूतकाल)

  • I went there. - (मैं वहाँ गया।)
  • I was coming. - (मैं आ रहा था।)
  • I had gone. - (मैं जा चुका था।)
  • I had been reading for three hours.- (मैं तीन घंटे से पढ़ रहा था।)

Future Tense - 

Future Tense में आने वाले समय (भविष्य) की घटनाओं का वर्णन होता है। (Verbs that denote the future time are called future tense.) इस Tense के वाक्यों के अंत में 'गा,गे, गी' आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग होता है, जैसे

Future  indefinite/simple Tense (सामान्य भूतकाल)

Future Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Continuous Tense(पूर्णा पूर्ण भूतकाल)

  • I shall read. - (मैं पहुँगा।)
  • You will be going to Bengaluru. - (तुम बेंगलुरु जा रहे होगे। )
  • We shall have done the work. - (हम कार्य समाप्त कर चुके होंगे।)
  • He will have been playing for three hours. (वह तीन घंटे तक खेलता रहेगा।)

Tense chart in Hindi with Rule प्रत्येक Tense को पुन: चार भागों में विभाजित किया जाता है

Present Tense chart in Hindi

Present Indefinite Tense

वर्तमान काल का वह रूप, जिससे कार्य के पूरे होने या अधूर रहने के विषय में कुछ भी ज्ञात न हो। (Present Indefinite Tense is used to express what is taking place at the present moment.)
  • I go.
  • We go.
  • You go.
  • He goes.
  • She goes.
  • They goes.

Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में I, We. You They तथा Plural Nouns के साथ Verb की First form और He, She, It तथा Singular Nouns के साथ Verb की First form के साथ-s या es जोड़कर प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस Tense को Simple Present Tense भी कहते हैं।

Assertive Sentences –sub + V1 + s/es + object 

Example– She writes a letter.

Negative Sentences- sub + does not + v1 + s/es +object 

Example– She does not write a letter.

 Interrogative Sentences- Does + sub + v1 + s/es +object 

Example– Does she write a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Does + sub + not + v1 + s/es + object

Example – Does she not write a letter?

Tense chart in Hindi ( Rule / Example / Exercise) | उदाहरण के साथ हिंदी में काल

 Click hare to read all tense one by one .....

Present Indefinite Tense in Hindi

Present continuous tense in Hindi

Present perfect tense in Hindi

Present perfect continuous tense in Hindi

Past indefinite tense in Hindi

Past continuous tense in Hindi

Past perfect tense in Hindi

Past perfect continuous tense in Hindi

Future Indefinite tense in Hindi

Future continuous tense in Hindi

Future perfect Tense in Hindi

Future perfect continuous tense in Hindi

Present Continuous Tense - 

वर्तमान काल का वह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात होता है कि कार्य जारी है और समाप्त नहीं हुआ है। (Present Continuous Tense is used to express an action that is going on at the time of speaking.) -

  • I am writing.  
  • He is going.
  • They are writing.

Assertive Sentences – sub + is/am/are + v1 + ing + object 

Example  She is writing a letter.

 Negative Sentences- sub + is/am/are + not + v1 + ing + object 

Example  She is not writing a letter.

Interrogative Sentences- is/am/are + sub + v1 + ing + object

Example  Is she writing a letter

Interrogative Negative Sentences- is/am/are + sub + not + v1 + ing + object

Example – Is she not writing a letter?





है, हैं, हूं,

थे, था, थी

गा, गी, गे,






Is / Am / Are + V Ing

Was/Were + V Ing

Will Be + v Ing


Has / Have

Had + V3

Will have + V3



Has / Have + Been + V Ing


Had + Been + V Ing

Since/for / From

Will / Shall + have Been + V Ing

Present Perfect Tense - 

वर्तमान काल का वह रूप जिससे ज्ञात होता है कि कार्य पूरा हो गया (Present Perfect Tense is used to express an action that began in the past and has just now been completed) जैस

  • I have gone.
  • You have gone.
  • We have gone.
  • He has gone.

Note- इस काल के वाक्यों में He, She, It और Singular Nouns के साथ Has तथा I, We You. They और Plural Nouns के साथ Have लगाकर Verb की Third form का प्रयोग किया.

Assertive Sentences – sub + has/have + v3 +Object 

Example- She has written a letter.

 Negative Sentences- sub + has/have + not + v3 + object

Example  She has not written a letter.

Interrogative Sentences- has/have + sub + v3 +Object

Example- Has she written a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-has/have + sub + not + v3 +object 

Example Has she not written a letter?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense- 

वर्तमान काल का वह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात होता है। कि कार्य कुछ समय से लगातार जारी हैं और पूरा नहीं हुआ है। (Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that began in the past and is still going on.) जैसे

  • I have been writing for two hours.
  • We have been playing since evening.
  • He has been learning his lesson for fifteen minutes.

Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में Singular Subjects के साथ Has been और Plural Subjects के साथ Have been लगाकर Verb की ing form तथा निश्चित समय के लिए since एवं अनिश्चित समय के लिए for का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Assertive Sentences – sub + has/have + been + v1 + ing + object 

Example  She has been writing a letter.

 Negative Sentences- sub + has/have + not been + v1 + ing + object

Example She has not been writing a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-has/have + sub + been + v1 + ing + object

Example  Has she been writing a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-has/have + she + not + been + v1 + ing + object

Example  Has she not been writing a letter

 Past Tense chart in Hindi

Past Indefinite Tense - 

भूतकाल का वह रूप, जिससे कार्य के विषय में कोई निश्चि (Past Indefinite Tense is used to express a simple act in the past.)

  • I went there.
  • He came from Goa.
  • You went to Delhi.
  • They came from Mumbai.


Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में प्रत्येक Subject के साथ Verb की Second form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस Tense को Simple Past Tense भी कहते है।

Assertive Sentences –Subject + V2 + Object +(.)

Example:-She wrote a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + didn’t + V1 + Object + (.) 

Example:-She didn’t write a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Did + Subject + V1 + Object + (?) 

Example:-Did she write a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Did + Subject + not + V1 + Object + (?)

Example:-Did she not write a letter?

 Tense chart in Hindi ( Rule / Example / Exercise) | उदाहरण के साथ हिंदी में काल

Past Continuous Tense- 

भूतकाल का यह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात हो कि कार्य जारी था और (Past Continuous Tense is used to express an action that began in the past and was continuing) जैसे

  • I was coming.
  • He was dancing.
  • You were singing.
  • She was eating.

Note- इस Tense के क्यों में He. She. It तथा Singular Subjects के साथ was तथा You We, They तथा Plural Subjects के साथ were लगाकर Verb को-ing form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस Tense को Past Imperfect Tense या Past Progressive Tense भी कहते हैं।

Assertive Sentences – Subject + was/were + ing + Object + (.)

Example:-she was writing a latter

Negative Sentences-Subject + was/were + not + ing + Object + (.) 

Example:-She she was not writing a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Was/were + Subject + ing+ Object +(?) 

Example:-Was she writing a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Was/were + Subject + not + ing+ Object + (?) 

Example:-Was she not writing a letter?


 Past Perfect Tense - 

भूतकाल का वह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात हो कि कार्य समाप्त हुए कुछ समय व्यतीत हो गया है। (Past Perfect Tense is used to describe action which had beery completed before another was started.)

  • I had gone.
  • He had gone.
  • They had written a letter before you came.

Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में प्रत्येक Subject के साथ Had लगाकर Verb की Third form. का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Assertive Sentences –Subject + had + V3 + Object + (.) 

Example:-She had written a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + had + not + Object +(.) 

Example:-She had not written a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Had + Subject + V3 + Object + (?) 

Example:-Had she written a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Had + Subject + not + V3 + Object + (?) 

Example:-Had she not written a letter?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense - 

भूतकाल का वह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात होता है  की कार्य कुछ समय से लगातार जारी था और कार्य पूरा नहीं हुआ था। ( past perfect continuous tense is used to denote an action that began in the past at certain time and was not completed)जैसे

  • I had been playing for three hours.
  • She had been singing since morning.
  • They had playing cricket since 2 o’clock.

Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में प्रत्येक Subject के साथ Had been एवं Verb की-ing form का तथा निश्चित समय के लिए since एवं अनिश्चित समय के लिए for का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Assertive Sentences –Subject + had been +V1 + ing + Object + (.)

Example:-She had been writing a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + had + not been + V1+ ing + Object +(.) 

Example:-She had not been writing a letter.

 Interrogative Sentences-Had + Subject+ been+ V1 + ing + Object + (?)

 Example:-Had she been writing a letter?

 Interrogative Negative Sentences-Had + Subject +not + been + V1 + ing + Object +(?) 

Example:-Had she not been writing a letter?

Future Tense chart in Hindi

Future Indefinite Tense- 

भविष्यत काल का वह रूप, जिससे कार्य के पूर्ण होने या अपूर्ण रहने के विषय में कुछ भी ज्ञात नहीं होता है। (Future Indefinite Tense is used to express. an action that will take place in near future.) जैसे

  • I shall read.
  • We shall come.
  • You will walk.
  • He will dance.

Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में Will/Shall के साथ क्रिया की First form का प्रयोग होता है। We के साथ Shall तथा शेष सभी Subjects के साथ Will का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस Tense को Simple Future Tense भी कहते हैं।

Rule – Will/Shall + Verb (Ist form)

Positive / Affirmative Sentences Subject + Will/Shall + Verb (Ist form) + Object + (.)

Example:-She will write a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Verb (Ist form) + Object + (.)

Example:-She will not write a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Verb (Ist form) + Object + (?)

Example:-Will she write a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Verb (Ist form) +Object + (?)

Example:-Will she not write a letter?

Future Continuous Tense - 

भविष्यत काल का वह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात होता है कि कार्य जारी रहेगा और पूरा नहीं होगा। (Future Continuous Tense is used to denote an action that will be going on in the future.) जैसे

  • I shall be going there tomorrow.
  • You will be reading your book.
  • He will be playing hockey.
  • She will be singing a song.

Note- इस Tense के वाक्यों में I, We के साथ Shall be तथा अन्य सभी Subjects के साथ Will be लगाकर Verb की-ing form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस Tense को Future Imperfect Tense या Future Progressive Tense भी कहते हैं।

Rule: Will/Shall + Be + Verb (Ist form) + Ing

Positive / Affirmative Sentences –Subject + Will/Shall + Be + Verb (Ist form) + Ing + Object + (.)

Example:-She will be writing a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Be + Verb (Ist form) + Ing + Object + (.)

Example:-She will not be writing a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Be + Verb (Ist form) + Ing + Object + (?)

Example:-Will she be writing a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Be + Verb (Ist form) +Ing + Object + (?)

Example:-Will she not be writing a letter?

Future Perfect Tense –

भविष्यत काल का वह रूप, जिससे कार्य के समाप्त होने का ज्ञान होता है । (Future Perfect Tense is used to denote the completion of an action at some future time.) जैसे

  • I shall have reached there.
  • We shall have finished the work.
  • He will have gone.
  • She will have bathed.

Note- इस Tense में Shall have, Will have के साथ Verb की Third form आती है। I, We के साथ Shall have तथा अन्य सभी Subjects के साथ Will have का प्रयोग होता है।

Rule: Will/Shall + Have + Verb (3rd form)

Positive / Affirmative Sentences Subject + Will/Shall + Have + Verb (3rd form) + Object + (.)

Example:-She will have written a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Have + Verb (3rd form) + Object + (.)

Example:-She will not have written a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Have + Verb (3rd form) + Object + (?)

Example:-Will she have written a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Have + Verb (3rdform)+ Object + (?)

Example:-Will she not have written a letter?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense -

भविष्यत काल का वह रूप, जिससे ज्ञात हो कि कार्य कुछ समय तक लगातार जारी रहेगा और पूर्ण नहीं होगा। (Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to denote an action that will have been going on for some time in the future.) जैसे

  • I shall have been playing cricket for two hours.
  • You will have been learning your lesson for some time.

Note- इस Tense में I, We के साथ Shall have been तथा अन्य सब Subjects के साथ Will have been के बाद Verb की -ing form का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इसमें कोई निश्चित समय नहीं होता है।

Rule: Will/Shall + Have been + Verb (Ist form) + Ing

Positive / Affirmative Sentences Subject + Will/Shall + Have been + Verb (Ist form) + Ing + Object + (.)

Example:-She will have been writing a letter.

Negative Sentences-Subject + Will/Shall + Not + Have been + Verb (Ist form) + Ing+Object+ (.)

Example:-She will not have been writing a letter.

Interrogative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Have been + Verb (Ist form) + Ing+Object +(?)

Example:-Will she have been writing a letter?

Interrogative Negative Sentences-Will/Shall + Subject + Not + Have been + Verb (Istform) + Ing + Object +(?)

Example:-Will she not have been writing a letter?

Tense chart in Hindi ( Rule / Example / Exercise) | उदाहरण के साथ हिंदी में काल




(1) Present Simple Tense (Affirmative)

sub+v1 (+e/es).

She eats.

(2) Present Simple Tense (Negative)

sub+do/does+ v1.

She does not eat.

(3) Present Simple Tense (Interrogative)

Do/Does+ sub+v1+?

Does she eat?

(4) Present Simple Tense (Interrogative word)

Wh_questions +do/does +sub+v1+?

When does she eat ?

(5) Present Continues Tense (Affirmative)

sub+is/am/are+ V1(+ing).

I am going.

(6) Present Continues Tense (Negative)

sub+is/am/are +not+v1 (+ing).

I am not going.

(7) Present Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Is/am/are+sub+ v1 (+ing)+?

Am I going ?

(8) Present Continues Tense ( Interrogative words)

Wh_Questions +is/am/are +sub+v1 (+ing) + ?

Where am I going ?

(9) Present Perfect Tense (Affirmative)

sub+has/have +v3.

You have slept.

(10) Present Perfect Tense (Negative)

sub+have/has +not+v3.

You have not slept.

(11) Present Perfect Tense (Interrogative)

Has/have +sub+v3 +?

Have You slept?

(12) Present Perfect Tense (Interrogative word )

Wh_Questions +have/has +sub+v3+?

When have you slept ?

(13) Present Perfect Continues Tense (Affirmative)

sub+has/have +been +v1(+ing) +since/for +time.

We have been coming for 2 days.

(14) Present Perfect continues Tense (Negative )

sub+has/have +not+been +v1(+ing) +since/for +time.

We have not been coming for 2 days.

(15) Present Perfect Continues (Interrogative)

Has/have +sub+been +v1 (+ing) +since/for +time +?

Have we been coming for 2 days?

(16) Present Perfect Continues Tense ( Interrogative Words)

Wh_questions+ has/have +been+v1 (+ing) +since/for +time +?

Where have we been coming for 2 days?

(17) Past Simple Tense (Affirmative)

sub +v2.

He Ate.

(18) Past Simple Tense (Negative)

sub+did +not+v1.

He did not eat.

(19) Past Simple Tense (Interrogative)

Did +sub+ v1 +?

Did he eat?

(20) Past Simple Tense (Interrogative words)

Wh_questions +did +sub+v1 +?

When did he eat?

(21) Past Continues Tense (Affirmative)

sub +was/were +v1(+ing).

They were flying.

(22) Past Continues Tense (Negative)

sub+was/were +not+ v1(+ing) .

They were not flying.

(23) Past Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Was/were +sub+ v1(+ing) +?

Were they flying?

(24) Past Continues Tense (Interrogative words )

Wh_questions +was/were +sub+v1(+ing) +?

where were they flying?

(25) Past Perfect Tense (Affirmative)


You had arisen.

(26) Past Perfect Tense (Negative)

sub+had +not+v3.

You had not arisen.

(27) Past Perfect Tense (Interrogative)

Had+sub +v3 +?

Had you arisen?

(28) Past Perfect Tense (Interrogative words)

Wh_questions +had+sub +v3+?

when had you arisen ?

(29) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Affirmative)

sub+had +been+v1 (+ing) +since/for +time.

she had been going to office since 09:00 AM.

(30) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Negative)

sub+had +not+been +v1(+ing) +since/for +time.

She had not been going to office since 09:00 AM.

(31) Past Perfect Continues Tense ( Interrogative)

Had+sub+ been +v1 (+ing) +since/for +time +?

Had she been going to office since 09:00 AM ?

(32) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Interrogative words)

Wh_questions +had+sub +been +v1 (+ing) +since/for +time +?

where had she been going to the office since 09:00 AM?

(33) Future Simple Tense (Affirmative)

sub+shall/will +v1.

He will read.

(34) Future Simple Tense (Negative)

sub+ will/shall+not +v1.

He will not read.

(35) Future Simple Tense (Interrogative)

Will/Shall +sub+v1+ ?

Will he read?

(36) Future Simple Tense (Interrogative words)

Wh_questions+ will/shall +sub+v1 +?

What will he read?

(37) Future Continues Tense (Affirmative)

sub +will/shall +be+ v1 (+ing) .

He will be reading.

(38) Future Continues Tense (Negative)

sub+ will/shall +not+be +v1 (+ing).

He will not be reading.

(39) Future Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Will/Shall +sub+ be +v1 (+ing) +?

Will he be reading?

(40) Future Continues Tense ( Interrogative words)

Wh_questions +will/shall +sub+ v1(+ing) +?

Where will he be reading?

(41) Future Perfect Tense (Affirmative)

sub +shall/will +have+ v3.

I shall have run.

(42) Future Perfect Tense (Negative)

sub +will/shall +not+have v3.

I shall not have run.

(43) Future Perfect Tense (Interrogative)

Will/Shall +sub+have +v3 +?

Shall i have run?

(44) Future Perfect Tense (Interrogative words )

Wh_questions +will/shall + sub+have+v3 +?

Where shall i have run?

(45) Future Perfect Continues Tense (Affirmative)

sub+will/shall +have been+v1 (+ing) +since/for +time.

We shall have been running since morning.

(46) Future Perfect Continues Tense (Negative)

sub +will/shall +not+ have been + v1 (+ing) +since/for +time.

We shall not have been running since morning.

(47) Future Perfect Continues Tense ( Interrogative)

Will/Shall +sub+ have been +v1 (+ing) +since/for +time +?

Shall we have been running since morning?

(48) Future Perfect Continues Tense ( Interrogative words)

Wh_questions +will/shall +have been +v1 (+ing) +since/for +?

Why Shall we have been running since morning?

Chart Of Tenses – Examples



(1) Present Indefinite Tense (Affirmative)

He eats.

(2) Present Indefinite tense (Negative)

He does not eat.

(3) Present indefinite tense (Interrogative)

Does he eat?

(4) Present indefinite tense (Questions Word)

Why does he eat?

(5) Present Continues tense (Affirmative)

She is reading.

(6) Present indefinite tense (Negative)

She is not reading.

(7) Present indefinite tense (Interrogative)

Is she reading?

(8) Present indefinite tense (Question word)

Where is she reading?

(9) Present perfect tense (Affirmative)

I have Slept.

(10) Present perfect tense (Negative)

I have not slept.

(11) Present perfect tense (interrogative)

Have I slept?

(12) Present perfect tense (Question word)

When have I slept?

(13) Present perfect continues tense (Affirmative)

She has been coming for 2 days.

(14) Present Perfect Continues Tense (Negative)

She has not been coming for 2 days.

(15) Present Perfect Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Has she been coming for 2 days?

(16) Present Perfect Continues Tense (Question word)

Why has she been coming for 2 days

(17) Past Indefinite Tense (Affirmative)

I went.

(18) Past Indefinite Tense (Negative)

I did not go.

(19) Past Indefinite Tense (Interrogative)

Did I not go?

(20) Past Indefinite Tense (Question word)

When did I go?

(21) Past Continues Tense (Affirmative)

He was going.

(22) Past Continues Tense (Negative)

He was not going.

(23) Past Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Was he going?

(24) Past Continues Tense (Question word)

When was he going?

(25) Past Perfect Tense (Affirmative)

I had gone.

(26) Past Perfect Tense (Negative)

I had not gone.

(27) Past Perfect Tense (Interrogative)

Had I gone?

(28) Past Perfect Tense (Question word)

Where had I gone?

(29) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Affirmative)

He had been fighting since Monday.

(30) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Negative)

He had not been fighting since Monday.

(31) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Had he been fighting since Monday?

(32) Past Perfect Continues Tense (Question word)

Why had he been fighting since Monday?

(33) Future Indefinite Tense (Affirmative)

You will go to school.

(34) Future Indefinite Tense (Negative)

You will not go to school.

(35) Future Indefinite Tense (Interrogative)

Will you go to school?

(36) Future Indefinite Tense (Question word)

Why will you go to school?

(37) Future Continues Tense (Affirmative)

We’ll be running.

(38) Future Continues Tense (Negative)

We shall not running.

(39) Future Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Shall we be running?

(40) Future Continues Tense (Question word)

When shall we be running?

(41) Future Perfect Tense (Affirmative)

They will have eaten.

(42) Future Perfect Tense (Negative)

They will not have eaten.

(43) Future Perfect Tense (Interrogative)

Will they have been eaten?

(44) Future Perfect Tense (Question Word)

When will they have been eaten?

(45) Future Perfect Continues Tense (Affirmative)

She will have been coming for 6 days.

(46) Future Perfect Continues Tense (Negative)

She will have not been coming for 6 days.

(47) Future Perfect Continues Tense (Interrogative)

Will she have been coming for 6 days?

(48) Future Perfect Continues Tense (Question word)

Why will she have been coming for 6 days?

FAQ 1 :Tense कितने प्रकार के होते हैं। ?

Tense तीन प्रकार के होते होते हैं। Present tense Past Tese Future tense

FAQ 2 : काल के कितने भेद होते हैं ?

Indefinite tense Continuous Tense Perfect Tense Perfect continuous Tense,

FAQ 3 :Rule ?

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